As ICT is continually developing and new technologies emerging, we as a school will strive to give all pupils the skills to prepare them for their future. ICT is an essential part of everyday life and will have considerable changes throughout the lives of our pupils. Due to the developments of ICT, our curriculum will be underpinned by the use of a variety of software and hardware alongside developing both adaptability and problem solving.
Our aims are:
To enhance and extend children’s learning across the whole curriculum whilst developing motivation, social skills and safe use of the internet.
For children to have access to a range of ICT resources including emerging technologies.
For children to achieve success in ICT by learning the skills set out in our scheme of work.
To allow children the opportunity to choose and use ICT creatively in all areas of the curriculum enabling them to see the relevance of ICT in everyday life.
To make children confident in their abilities to stay safe online and how to use ICT responsibly.
For all staff to continually improve and develop their ICT skills through professional development.
To use ICT to promote links with parents and the wider community.
Whole School Overview
We are pleased to be able to offer your child access to Purple Mash, both in school and at home. Purple Mash is a creative educational website for children. It is a cross-curricular resource covering Art to Science and all subjects in between. Your child can access Purple Mash from home on a laptop, desktop or a tablet. We will be encouraging the children to continue their learning at home and Purple Mash is a great resource for this. Your child will be taught how to use Purple Mash in school and will be able to use it with little or with no supervision.
We hope that you and your child will enjoy exploring and using Purple Mash at home.
Please click on the link below for help with using Purple Mash. Your child will already have a username and password. However, if you have forgotten their login details then please let your child's class teacher know. We will be happy to resend the login details.
Cross Curricular Coding
Our computing curriculum is currently expanding with additional opportunities to code across a range of subjects. As part of our Design Technology project, our Y6 pupils have been coding a security device to protect a WW2 artefact in a museum.